"The Politics of Reversing Central Bank Independence", Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 443-485 with Andreas Kern.
"Into the Ether or the State? Legibility Theory and the Cryptocurrency Markets", Business and Politics, Volume 26 , Issue 3, Pages 382–405, with Miles Kellerman
"Sterling’s Farewell Symphony: The End of the Sterling Area Revisited", The Economic History Review, Volume 76, Issue 2, Pages 389-697, with Alan de Bromhead, David Jordan, and Francis Kennedy
"Market Self-Organization and the Invisible Hand of Politics in Global Risk-Trading", Review of International Political Economy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 98-126
"The Fate of International Monetary Systems: How and Why They Fall Apart", Perspectives on Politics, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pages 754-772
"Merchants Against the Bankers: The Financialization of a Commodity Market", Review of International Political Economy, Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 525-555
"History Matters: How International Regimes Become Entrenched—and Why We Suffer for It", International Studies Quarterly, Volume 61, Issue 2, Pages 455–470
"Diffused Leadership: Non-State Actors in Global Economic Governance", Global Policy, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 266-276, with Walter Mattli